Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Exploring Istanbul

In some of the cities we have visited, using the word ‘explore’ is something of an exaggeration. Really, what we do is more like wandering around. We grab a map, get an idea of what we'll do, and then go. Along the way, there are interesting sights, but so far it has all been, not that unusual.
Istiklal - my favorite street

Until Istanbul. Istanbul is in many ways very much like the other European cities we have visited and then in other ways it is very different. It was those differences that gave us the feeling of exploring, as we wandered around.

As I said, in many ways Istanbul is like other European cities. It is a European city, after all. Even though Turkey is not (yet) a member of the EU, geographically half the city of Istanbul lies on the European continent. Hence, it is European. And people are very proud of that status. Istanbul's ‘European Honors’ (a museum designated European Museum of the Year; the whole city designated a European Center of Culture) are conspicuously noted.

As we wandered, a recurring thought kept presenting itself. Why isn't Turkey already in the EU? Having spent the last several months in Belgium, the subject of Turkey & the EU came up quite often, I heard that Europeans aren't sure Turkey is ready. Wandering around Istanbul, I wonder who is not ready.

The city is every bit as modern as those European ‘jewels’ we have visited. They have all the things those other places have –Metro, chain stores, even American coffee chains - though believe it or not it is Gloria Jean’s not Starbucks.

But there are differences, which made our time there feel more like exploring. When you turned the corner you did not know which Istanbul you would find - a modern mall or a bazaar, little changed in two centuries. Istanbul has both - a wonderful blend.

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