Wednesday, November 3, 2010

MC is on strike!

A bas le Blog!
Inspired by the daily scenes of strife on the streets of France that we see on our TV, MC is going native!

She has some grievances. First, like the French she does not particularly like to work (write blog posts). She needs to be motivated. She wants comments.

"What's the point of writing? I don't think anyone even reads them." she says.  "Oh, I'm sure somebody reads them." I reply. "How do you know?" she says "No one ever comments..."

So there you go. Want her thoughts about Antwerp? You are going to have to demand them...


  1. I read the blog! I've never been to Antwerp... I found it to be just a bridge too far....

  2. wait what ??? I read but the feminine perspective has been sadly's the shopping ,any cute shoe stores?? I do not think she has written enough yet to go on strike from....what did you make for dinner or is that part of the strike too?? Some photos inside the apartment would be cool too......

  3. scout wants to know if you found her a boyfriend yet???

  4. So this is me speaking on behalf of all your devoted canadian fans; wtf is the matter with you?
    We like your posts the best silly woman.

  5. Isn't it about time for an update to the beer blog?

  6. Welcome to the world of blogging! All you do is send your signal out in to the world and hope it gets received. How many comments does the Golden Apple Blog get? Try posting pictures of cats. That always gets things moving! What time do you want to schedule the Thanksgiving Video Chat?
