Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Russia; Medical

A Russian Clinic
When considering the Russian healthcare system as it is today one cannot help but make comparisons. Comparisons to what it was under the Soviets and comparisons to how it is in the US. If you look at statistics, what they tell you is that Russia saw a drastic decline in its healthcare system with the demise of the Soviet Union. At that time, of course, the government was entirely responsible for the provision of services. Those services were certainly not spectacular but at least they were well organized. Then, of course, the government collapsed and with it a good part of the health care system.

Since that time Russia has been rebuilding.  What has been rebuilt is a system, outwardly at least,  not all that different from our own. There is still a public component. The government is still responsible for providing services to the bulk of the Russian populace. What they provide, it seems, is a lot like what our government provides at our county hospitals. Basic, passable, immediate care. Nowhere near world-class standard.

The world-class care does exist. It is available - but of course you have to pay for it. Our host Zhanna recounted for us her recent experiences recovering from the horrific air quality which resulted from this summer's fires around Moscow. She went to her doctor, who by her account is excellent. He was quite concerned about her. She is 75 years old and was having trouble breathing. She has developed a serious cough. He prescribed treatment. She went to the pharmacy to pick it up - for what would have been a small co-pay. Only the government pharmacy did not have the medicine. No idea when it would be available. That drug is available at another pharmacy - right now - but at several times the price. Do you pay or do you suffer? Typical Government Health care. Oh wait, I have had that same experience with my private health insurance. The Doctor prescribes something that the insurance does not cover. Do you pay or do you suffer? Is it any different?

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